A regional tradition
since 1930

1865 William Fruing and Company settled in Rivière-au-Renard and built a fishing room, a warehouse used to dry cod for export to European markets. Part of this warehouse still exists in the Auberge Le Caribou.
1909 The Rivière-au-Renard fishermen's revolt breaks out. Large demonstrations take place in front of the William Fruing and Company business.
1930 William Fruing and Company ceased its commercial activities and sold its various assets. Mr. Philip Mauger Luce, Fruing's operations manager, purchased the establishment and converted it into an inn, giving it the name Caribou Inn, which mainly welcomed an American and English clientele who came to appreciate the unique Gaspé landscapes.
1955 The Caribou Inn becomes the property of Messrs. Léon Saintonge and Henry Tremblay. The new occupants will keep the same tourist vocation as Mr. Luce.
1965 Mr. and Mrs. Élias Dufresne acquired the Auberge and moved it. Initially located very close to the national road, it was brought closer to the sea. Its English name was also changed to a French-language business name, Auberge Caribou. It was then given a much more regional vocation, serving the population all year round.
1968 Messrs. Zénon and Guy Veillette became owners. They carried out a complete renovation and built motel units to better meet the needs of local, regional and tourist customers. Starting in 1974, they operated under the name Auberge-Motel Caribou.
1987 Mr. Zénon Veillette retired and the operation was continued by his son, Mr. Guy Veillette, and his wife, Mrs. Claudette Joncas.
2009-2010 Mrs. Mylène Carbonneau and Mr. Guy Lescelleur acquire the noble establishment, rich in history. The name of the operation is changed to Auberge Le Caribou.
2010 The restaurant sector is modernized. Ms. Mylène Carbonneau and Mr. Guy Lescelleur founded the Resto-Pub La Révolte on July 5, 2010.
2012-2013 Several renovations are being carried out, particularly in the rooms, public areas and outside the buildings.
2020 Mr. Mathieu Samuel acquires the Auberge Le Caribou and the resto-pub La Révolte and becomes the new owner of the establishment. The rooms are renovated and a golf simulator is installed in the establishment.